The Single Shot Story

If you’re reading this you probably love art, culture, and stories and we think this is a story you’ll like. Single Shot is a brand that celebrates culture with a pinch of quirk. We infuse every product with the essence of the stories, art, and symbols shaping our lives.

While working in the advertising and design industry we had an unputdownable urge to craft something for ourselves, the way we love to do it. We wanted to celebrate our love for storytelling, art, and the rich fabric of Bengali culture.

This is how Single Shot was conceived amidst the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, soaking in the spirit of Calcutta – a city of struggles and celebrations.

While brainstorming ways to blend rich homegrown narratives with a modern format that remains deeply rooted in local culture, we decided to create a graphic novel. And what better way to do this than adapting a story by the legendary Satyajit Ray?

We reached out to Sandip Ray, the son of Satyajit Ray, hoping to secure permission to adapt one of his father’s famed short stories. Sandip-da’s agreement was not just a nod of approval but a passing of the torch to a new generation eager to keep Bengali culture alive.

And this is how Khagam, the first graphic novel to adapt a short story by Satyajit Ray came to life. However, the journey from a novel idea to a tangible product is seldom smooth.

As we ventured out to publish our graphic novel, we were met with an onslaught of questions and doubts from the established publishing houses in Kolkata. The costs quoted by publishers were astronomical.

Yet, it was in these moments of doubt that our resolve hardened. And in the face of our struggles, a defining moment arrived.

As creative professionals, we have often questioned the alienation of artists from their art because of big corporations. One reflective evening, the idea dawned upon us: why not do it ourselves? This moment of clarity wasn’t just about independence, it was about empowerment and the belief in our creative potential.

Design, drawing, scripting, publishing, marketing, and selling – it seemed daunting, but we were determined not only to produce the graphic novel but also to set a precedent for future projects.

From understanding the visual scope of the story to mastering the logistics of self-publishing, every step was a lesson in creativity and endurance. Our graphic novel was not just a product; it was a celebration of Bengali heritage, brought to life through the collective efforts of our team.

With the successful self-publication of our first graphic novel the path was clear for Single Shot to evolve beyond a single project. The plan was to create a community of artists, poets, storytellers, and craftsmen, fostering a refuge for creative exploration.

The inception of our e-commerce site was a strategic move to accommodate the growing demand for our creations. Each item is a testament to the creativity and spirit of Kolkata, designed from scratch by our team.

As our product range expanded, so did our community. T-shirts featuring iconic Bengali motifs, notebooks adorned with artful literary references, and fridge magnets capturing the essence of Kolkata life were conceived as more than mere merchandise; as cultural artefacts.

By intertwining modern aesthetics with traditional Bengali culture, we try not only to preserve but revitalise a rich heritage in a format that resonates with today’s audience. The response from our community—comprising locals, diaspora, and global enthusiasts of Bengali culture—has been incredibly affirming.

Through our celebration of local culture, stories, and artists we hope to unleash the liberating nature of art. We plan to keep telling stories with art, our language of comfort because that’s what we do best.

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