Refund & Returns Policy

Eligibility for Returns / Cancellations

  1. Books and graphic novels must be in their original condition, unused, and free from any markings or damage.
  2. In case of printed books / hardcopy delivery or product related concerns such as receiving damaged books, printing or binding concerns, customer needs to share unboxing video / photo as proof.
  3. eBooks and digital downloads are eligible for refunds within 48 hrs of purchase and the material/s (eBook or digital download) is not downloaded. No refund eligibility in case downloaded.

Timeframe for Returns

  1. Customers may initiate a return within 5 days from the date of delivery for books only
  2. After the 5-day period, book returns will not be accepted.

Return Process

  1. To initiate a return, customers must contact our customer support team within the eligible timeframe via the contact us link in our site.
  2. Provide the order details, including the order number, item(s) to be returned, and reason for the return.
  3. Our customer support team will guide customers through the return process and provide a return authorization if applicable.
  4. Customers are responsible for securely packaging the item(s) to prevent damage during return shipping.

Return Shipping

  1. Customers are responsible for return shipping costs, unless the return is due to our error (e.g., wrong item shipped or item arrived damaged).
  2. We recommend using a trackable shipping method and obtaining proof of return shipment.
  3. In case of a defective or damaged item, we may provide a prepaid shipping label or arrange for a courier pickup.

Inspection and Refund

  1. Once we receive and inspect the returned item(s), we will notify the customer regarding the status of their refund.
  2. Approving refunds is the upon the sole discretion of the publisher (Single Shot)
  3. If the return is approved, we will initiate a refund to the original payment method within 7-10 business days.
  4. Refunds may take some time to reflect in the customer’s account, depending on the payment provider’s policies.

Non-Refundable Items

  1. Shipping charges, if applicable, are non-refundable.
  2. Used or damaged items that do not meet the eligibility criteria for returns will not be refunded.
  3. All merchandise (including T-shirts, Magnets, Notebooks, etc.) are not eligible for returns and there is no refund policy. The merchandise list mentioned is indicative and not exhaustive.

Seller’s Discretion

  1. We reserve the right to refuse returns or refunds if the item(s) do not meet the return eligibility criteria or if there is evidence of misuse or damage caused by the customer.
  2. In such cases, we will communicate the decision to the customer and return the item(s) at their expense.


We currently do not offer direct exchanges. If a customer wishes to exchange a book or graphic novel, they must initiate a return and place a new order.

Contact Us

If customers have any questions, concerns, or require assistance with their return, they can contact our customer support team through the contact us section provided on our website.

Please note that this return policy is subject to change without prior notice. It is advisable for customers to review the return policy section on our website for the most up-to-date information.

By making a purchase from our store, customers acknowledge that they have read, understood, and agreed to comply with this return policy.

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